not be using a higherBaud ratethanthe device receiving them, or Crimson may not have enough memory to bufferthedatawhile waiting for it to be retransmitted. 这种情况下,进行大量传输的设备使用的波特率不得高于接收设备的波特率,否则Crimson 等待数据被传输时可能会没有足够内存来...
baud rate 美 英 n.传输速率 网络波特率;鲍率;传输速度 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. 传输速率 例句 更多例句筛选
Through the software to achieve the data format and matching thebaud rate. 本方法通过软件来实现数据的格式、波特率的匹配. 互联网 This is useful for highbaud rateterminals that need only a minimal delay. 在需要最小延迟的高波特率的终端上,这种方法很有用. ...
aOn account that the baud rate of data transmission is 4800kbps and a frame consists of 40 bytes, interval of adjacent data frames △T is about 100ms. A MA message of 1024 bytes consists of 34 frames, so N = 34. Based on the values given above, we can obtain transfer delay of N ...
Define Baudrate. Baudrate synonyms, Baudrate pronunciation, Baudrate translation, English dictionary definition of Baudrate. n. A unit of data transfer speed equal to one change in a carrier signal per second. Since most data transmission schemes transfe
比特率和波特率 一、 比特率 比特率是指每秒传输的二进制位数(0、1); 比特率 = 传输的总位数 / 传输时长 单位bps 二、 波特率 波特率是指每秒码元的传输数量; Baud rate is the rate at which the number of signal elements or
withthesamebaudrate.Ifthebaudrateofamodemissetto higherthanthebaudrateofanother usuallychangesitsbaudratetomat baudrate (BaudRate) Therateofanaloglinesignals,alsoknownasmodulationrates, ismeasuredbythenumberofoscilla waveform.Ifthedataiscompressed,thebaudrateisequalto thenumberofbitsofdatapersecondtransmissi...
串行通信的传送速率用于说明数据传送的快慢,波特率表示串行通信时每秒钟传送“位” 的数目,比如1秒钟传送1位,就是1波特。即1波特=1bps (位/秒) 串行通信常用的标准波特率在RS-232C标准中已有规定,如波特率为600、1200、2400、4800、9600、19200等等。 假若数据传送速率为120字符/秒,而每一个字符帧已规定为10个...
Baud: Number of computer bits transmitted per second over a data communications channel . 波德:在一个数据通信通道中,每秒种所传送的数元量。 8. In the case of the UART, there's not a lot to configure apart from the baud rate and framing details. 对于UART来说,除了波特率和...
More About Baud Rate What is abaud rate? Baud rateis a number that measures the speed of data transmission. It is equal to the number of data pulse changes per second. When we say “data transmission,” we mean the sending of data from one spot to another. For example, this could be...