Great game. Had it on PS2 but had to buy it again Did you find this review helpful? Report xyz Posted: over 1 year ago Verified purchase great game even for its time i can clearly see it played by many people this day Did you find this review helpful?
User Rating:9| Star Wars: Battlefront IIPS2 BySaiyanFusion| Review Date:February 19, 2006 The controls are pretty easy, once you get the hang of it. There are a variety of ships and vehicles that you can use. The narrations and cut-scenes give the game a little more feeling, instead...
星球大战:前线2 Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005) 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/射击/动作 平台: PC/PS2/Xbox/PSP 别名: Star Wars: Battlefront 2 / SWBF2 / SWB2 开发商: Pandemic Studios 发行商: LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC 发行日期: 2005-11-01 想玩在玩玩过...
如还跳出可以打开steam游戏库,右击-STAR WARS Battlefront 2-选属性-本地文件-打开本地文件-gamedata里找到exe文件,属性-兼容-设置兼容winxp试试。———分割线———20171003发布了重制版本,开放了之前因为Gamespy已经鬼服的多人模式,又能爽歪歪登舰战啦,哈哈哈。不光是重开了多人模式,另外对AI做了系统性加强,...
• All-new classic trilogy locations including the Death Star interior, classic space battles and the fight aboard the Tantive IV, Princess Leia's blockade runner seen at the beginning of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. • Online multiplayer action for up to 24 players on PS2 ...
星球大战:前线 2 Star Wars: Battlefront II PS2 德版 (2005) …封面载入中…
Very good game!!! If you are a Star Wars fan like myself, its a definate rent or even buy!!User Rating: 9.2 | Star Wars: Battlefront II PSP By koray22 | Review Date: November 1, 2005IThe controls on Star Wars Battlefront 2 for the PSP are great once you get the hang of it,...
SWBFII.COM is the continuation of a legacy stretching back to 2005 to when LucasArts and Pandemic Studios released the original Star Wars: Battlefront II on the PlayStation 2. The original SWBFII.COM was a community based around an online multiplayer server. This site is designed to be a hu...
类型: 游戏 / 射击 / 动作 平台: PC / Mac / PS2 / Xbox 别名: Star Wars: Battlefront 开发商: Beenox Studios / Pandemic Studios 发行商: LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC 发行日期: 2004-09-20 豆瓣评分 8.4 40人评价 5星 47.5% 4星 40.0% 3星 12.5% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 想玩 ...
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