About our Battlefield 2042 Tracker Tracker.gg's Battlefield Stats Tracker is a Tracker Network project. Tracker.gg provides Battlefield stats, as well as global and regional leaderboards for players around the world. Use our BF2042, BFV, BF1 stats tracker to see who is the best in the wor...
Battlefield 2042 Stats! Check your profile and statistics. View the top Battlefield 2042 players on our leaderboards and how you perform by comparison.
战地2042的战绩查询网站有:1. BattleFieldTracker:https://battlefieldtracker.com/。2. TRN:这个查询网站也很知名。在这些网站上,你可以输入你的橘子或SteamID,然后就能查找你的战绩了。以上信息仅供参考,具体网址请以官方信息为准。 2楼2023-11-13 15:35 回复 ...
全名Battlefield Tracker,隶属于Tracker Network下的子类别,该母网站提供现今几乎所有FPS竞技类游戏内玩家数据的实时追踪与记载,其中包括COD系列,PUBG(绝地求生),Fortnite(堡垒之夜),Battlefield系列,APEX。而BTR是Battlefield系列玩家数据查询系统的代称,现已支持BF1 BF2042 BFV。 BTR是现今很多BF衍生工具的查询数据来源...
1回复贴,共1页 <返回战地2042吧battlefield tracker 里面枪械数据是把人机也算进去了吗? 只看楼主收藏回复 狗博 中尉军官 7 battlefield tracker 里面枪械数据(weapen列表)是把刷绶带杀的人机也算进去了吗? 送TA礼物 1楼2024-05-02 00:05回复 ccnmggkmm 上尉军官 8 不算 来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-...
Fix and conect battlefield 2042 stats players with this website https://battlefieldtracker.com/bf2042 like every battlefield game was... Hi @Equilibrium_82 , No question about if they can. Of course EA/DICE could if they wanted it. Question is if EA/DICE will want to make the ...
The enemy tracker is a device on your character’s helmet where it will help you track down footprints of enemies, and shows you where the enemies are located at. Now you don’t have to worry about campers camping corners and killing you everytime you turn around. You can be able to ...
488428 战地1吧 茶之花_50 【战地1】现阶段杀人最多的配备排名数据来源BattlefieldTracker 战地1 分享140248 steam吧 正版_钢蛋A 知名爆料人透露《战地2042》DLC推出无望《战地》系列几乎每款作品都会在游戏发售后继续推出数款DLC为玩家带来更好的游戏体验,而《战地2042(Battlefield 2042)》由于过于拉胯,近日有爆料...
https://battlefieldtracker.com/ (爹5战绩查询)都是0.1有排名估计很高,现在https://battlefieldtracker.com/ 网站还不统计排名。 551110 战地1吧 BK-307 战地5战绩查询网站可以用了,只不过没统计排名。https://battlefieldtracker.com/ (爹5战绩查询)都是0.1有排名估计很高,现在https://battlefieldtracker.com/...