Battlefield for Free for PC, smartphone and tablet devices Download Battlefield for Windows, Mac and Android smartphones and tablets and have fun with friends. Battlefield Hardline puts players right in the middle of the war on crime in the gritty and glamorous streets of Los Angeles and Miami...
Battlefield Hardline is an attempt to move the first-person shooter series away from a military setting by shifting the action to downtown Miami and the fight against crime. Developed byVisceral Games, known forDead Space, Hardline is pushing a better story with deeper characters than have previ...
ArticleEdit|History|Editors Battlefield: Hardline (Windows Downloadable Version)[Video Game Release Link] [What Links Here]
EA 的 Origin 这次又来送 DLC 了,继上次送了三款男友 4 DLC 以后,这次又送 Battlefield Hardline 战地:硬仗 的 DLC 了,这次是送Criminal Activity,依然是没有本体都可以下单,配合折扣时再买本体,还是挺划算的。 获取地址:
Battlefield Hardline 10 X Gold BattlepacksAdd-on weergeven Battlefield™ Hardline Betrayal € 14,99 Precision BattlepackAdd-on weergeven Battlefield™ Hardline Getaway € 14,99 Battlefield™ Hardline Criminal Activity € 14,99 Beschrijving Stort je in de actie van Battlefield™ Hardline...
很期待您的新遊戲嗎?我們也是。請登入您的 EA 帳號,瞭解規定,並重複檢查確認您的安全性資訊以便您可以盡快 #GetInTheEAGame。 | Battlefield Hardline
我們彙集了超過 20 年來的《戰地風雲》開發經驗,結合業界的傑出新秀,統合至同一個工作室下,組成「戰地風雲工作室」。 《戰地風雲》遊戲系列 我可以透過下列方式隨時取消訂閱:變更我的電子郵件偏好設定、聯絡,或是寫信到:Electronic Arts Inc., ATTN: Email Opt-Out, 209 Redwood Shores Pkw...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":6086016,"subject":"Battlefield Hardline doesnt launch on pc","id":"message:6086016","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":0,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:654837"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:battlefield-franch...
DownloadCustom Resolution Utilityand run it. Open for edit the detailed resolution(s). Set a 60.000 Hz frequency to them. Save and restart your GPU drivers or PC. Game crashes with a sound loop using an ASUS Xonar sound-card•Link ... ↑ ↑ ...