Re: Battlefield 4 error upon launching: "invalid license; missing DLL" under programs and features, I had like six separate copies of VC++ 2012 installed. I un-installed all of the 2012 versions and re-installed using the one in the BF4 installer folder (C:\Program Files (...
Re: Battlefield 4 error upon launching: "invalid license; missing DLL" just go into your Origin app window > My Games > right mouse click on Battlefield 4 box art graphic > click GAME PROPERTIES > WHEN LAUNCHING THIS GAME choose Battlefield 4 (x86) > click OK. ...
The Handle is invalid when adding Microsoft Print to PDF The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error during MIGRATE_DATA operation The Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Icons the module "ntdll.dll" was loaded but the entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found. the module mschrt20.o...
invalid licensereason code = missing DLL:[msvcp110.dll] Error 0xc1 this is a error i get every time i try to start the game any1 know why? Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof. As I get older I ge...
The Handle is invalid when adding Microsoft Print to PDF The installation failed in the FIRST_BOOT phase with an error during MIGRATE_DATA operation The Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Icons the module "ntdll.dll" was loaded but the entry-point DllRegisterServer was not found. the module mschrt20...
Re: MSVCP120.dll missing Battlefield 4 Hey @RonyBalony,Sorry om te horen dat het niet gelukt is met de bovenstaande stappen. Vaak heeft het toch ergens met een update of die bestanden te maken en het is raar dat Battlefield V wel gewoon werkt maar dit gebruikt vaak de nieuwere. Ne...
I uninstall and try to reinstall but after an age of trying to get it to install I keep getting the same error message - missing freaking dll file. EA what the F**K is going on ? I Need an answer, why did I buy this pile of junk if I cant get something I 've paid my hard...
Re: Invalid license. Reason code = Missing DLL: amd_ags_x64.dll Function: agsGetEyef wrote: Could you try deleting the following files from your BF1 directory: amd_ags_x64.dll bf1.exe bf1trial.exe dbdata.dll dbdataea.dll eawebkit64.dll...
Re: BattleField 2042: Error logs show this message "Missing DLL: amd_ags_x64.dll Fun @GangsterChief1 A couple of things to try: Run System File Checker to help ensure the integrity of your Windows System files: Verify Steam files - ...
Invalid license. Reason code = Missing DLL: amd_ags_x64.dll Function: agsGetEyef Solved 3 hours ago CyberGuy88 After the update: BF1 missing DLL: amd_ags_x64.dll Solved 3 hours ago TURK-REWANWEST A play mode like SQUAD and HLL? 5 hours ago Aheadrex2 Show More ...