Remove_Crossplay 戰地快報 Remove_Crossplay 僅跟好友分享。 戰士 Remove_Crossplay Remove_Crossplay 製作團隊 Frostbite技術提供 硬體夥伴 歐洲 北美 ESRB 17+ Blood and Gore Intense Violence Strong Language 除非明確標明,本遊戲與任何武器、載具或裝備製造商沒有從屬關係、贊助關係或支持背書關係。 ©...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"Stop crossplay with pc players, crossplay with xbox + playstation only please.","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:7190315"},"id":"message:7190315","revisionNum":1,"uid":7190315,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:...
I’ve been playing battlefield since the BC2 beta released on PS3 and I got to say Battlefield 3 had some of the most thought out balanced and fun maps I’ve ever played from any shooter game, I think for the best customer reviews the following maps in their original design are a MU...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","subject":"Stop crossplay with pc players, crossplay with xbox + playstation only please.","conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversation:7190315"},"id":"message:7190315","revisionNum":1,"uid":7190315,"depth":0,"board":{"__ref":"...