Downloadable Content ofBattlefield 3 Novel The novelization of the game,Battlefield 3: The Russian, written by respected authorAndy McNab, takes place in the same universe as the game. Despite this, there are noticeable differences in the story, as well as mainly depicting the events viaDimitri...
Battlefield 3 Developers DICE End GameVisceral Games[1] Publishers Electronic Arts Engines Frostbite 2 Release dates WindowsOctober 25, 2011 Reception Metacritic89 IGDB85 Taxonomy MonetizationOne-time game purchase,DLC,Subscription gaming service
*DLC (Downloadable Content) may not be included and is not guaranteed to work* Battlefield 3 introduces Frostbite 2, the incredible technology that takes animation, destruction, lighting, scale and audio Feel the impact of bullets and explosion...
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Get your instant download with This product includes Battlefield 3 Armored Kill PC - DLC (EU). Base game required. The top 3 reasons to play Battlefield 3 Armored Kill PC - DLC (EU) Prepare for some serious high-speed destruction. Drive, fly and spread destruction across four...
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Fueled by the next-generation power and fidelity of Frostbite™ 3, Battlefield 4 provides a visceral, dramatic experience unlike any other. Only in Battlefield can you demolish the buildings shielding your enemy. Only in Battlefield will you lead an a