We now know that both of those points are spot on. Hazard Zone will be a high-stakes mode, where tactics and strategy will play just as big a role as gunplay. While All-Out Warfare boasts huge player counts on PC and new-gen consoles, Hazard Zone is set to be far more intimate –...
Those dynamic world events will feature whichever console you play on. PS4 player count per All Out Warfare match is 64, and subsequently PlayStation 4’s maps have been built with a smaller, more focused layout in mind. All Out Warfare launches with seven maps total. Let’s take ...
透過《戰地風雲 2042》的跨平台繼承進度,只要玩家的帳號全都連結到相同的 EA 帳號,那無論玩家到哪個平台遊玩,所有遊戲進度和物品都會跟隨著玩家。 如果你在 PC、Xbox One 和 PlayStation 5 上游玩,你可以在平臺上切換,而不失去進度或存取你最喜歡的武器。 如果玩家升級了主機,只要仍使用同一個帳號遊玩,玩家的進...
透過NVIDIA GeForce RTX®,體驗《Battlefield™2042 (戰地風雲 2042) 》中的「全面戰爭」(All-Out Warfare) 模式、社群導向的「戰地風雲入口」(Battlefield Portal) 及高風險「危險區域」(Hazard Zone)。採用新一代 GeForce RTX 遊戲技術、光線追蹤環境光遮蔽,而且 NVIDIA DLSS 中的人工智慧效能提升,並透過 NVID...
Buy Battlefield 2042 on PlayStation Store, an exhilarating first-person shooter that marks the return of the iconic all-out warfare the franchise is well known for.
Lead your team to victory in both large all-out warfare and close-quarters combat on maps from the world of 2042 and classic Battlefield titles. Find your playstyle in class-based gameplay and take on several experiences comprising elevated versions of Conquest and Breakthrough. Explore Battlefie...
In Battlefield 2042, cross-progression means your progress and any items you’ve earned in-game follow you wherever you’re playing,as long as your accounts are all linked to the same EA Account. If you play on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 5, you can switch between platforms without ...
Bindingplay创建的收藏夹Bindingplay内容:Battlefield 2042 帧数测试,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
Lead your team to victory in both large all-out warfare and close-quarters combat on maps from the world of 2042 and classic Battlefield titles. Find your playstyle in class-based gameplay and take on several experiences comprising elevated versions of Conquest and Breakthrough. Explore Battle...
Battlefield™ 2042 Xbox One Electronic Arts•Shooter• 81 4 Accessibility features 14 Supported languages GET EA PLAY Included with EA Play - OR - PEGI 16 Bad Language, Violence In-Game Purchases +Offers in-app purchases. Game requires online multiplayer subscription to play on console (Game...