检查您的杀毒软件 有些杀毒软件可能会错误地将 Easy Anti-Cheat 标记为威胁。这样可能会阻止 Easy Anti-Cheat 的运行。Easy Anti-Cheat 团队正与各杀毒软件厂商合作,将该程序添加到白名单中。请查看其网站上的该页面,看看您使用的杀毒软件是否在列表中。 如果未在列表中,您可能需要手动将 Easy Anti-Cheat 添加到...
As part of our ongoing efforts to create a safe and fair experience for all players we're transitioning Battlefield™ 2042 over to EA anticheat with the launch of Season 6 in October. When we transition over to EA anticheat you won't notice anything different when logging in and playing...
Tried everything, other games are working, Apex got no problems with it, BF2042 just kicks me at the start of every match...I got the new EA Play app.EDIT : easy anti cheat authentication failed 16 people had this problem. Reply 4 + XP Me too #2 May 2023 Options Hilll...
pode impedir que ele seja executado. A equipe do Easy Anti-Cheat está trabalhando com empresas de antivírus para que o programa seja adicionado às listas de permissões.Confira esta página no sitepara ver se o seu antivírus está incluído. ...
Easy Anticheat is definitely one of the more widely used third party anti-cheat softwares out there, and though it’s not perfect in its applications, it’s definitely better than something. Of course, this is yet to be officially confirmed by DICE or EA. Battlefield 2042 launches for PS5...
In case not even this method has fixed your Battlefield 2042 issues, try the next one. 9. Make sure EasyAntiCheat engine is installed If you’ve come this far without a viable fix, you can also try to fix your Battlefield 2042 by making sure that the EasyAntiCheat is installed. The...
Easy Anti-Cheat is a great choice for the game, since the developer won’t have to focus too much on the security side of things and can instead devote that time and resources to bring more content to the game. In addition to this, Epic Games has also confirmed thatEasy-Anti Cheat wil...
You can follow the below steps to repair Easy Anti-Cheat: Firstly, move to the location where you have installed Easy Anti-Cheat. You are likely to find the files at the below location: C:\Program Files (x86) \Steam\steamapps\common\BattleField 2042\EasyAntiCheat\EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe...
Failed to install Easy Anti-Cheat Error: A redistributable package (EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe) was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. Det här meddelandet visas när något har gått snett med installationen av Easy Anti-Cheat. ...
Failed to install Easy Anti-Cheat Error: A redistributable package (EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe) was not installed successfully. Setup cannot continue. Det här meddelandet visas när något har gått snett med installationen av Easy Anti-Cheat. ...