Experience the dawn of all-out war only in Battlefield™ 1. Fight your way through epic battles ranging from tight urban combat in a besieged French city to the heavily defended mountain forts in the Italian Alps or frantic combats in the deserts of Ar
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Experience the dawn of all-out war in Battlefield™ 1. Discover a world at war through an adventure-filled campaign, or join in epic multiplayer battles with up to 64 players. Fight as infantry or take control of amazing vehicles on land, air and sea,
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《Battlefield 1》——沉浸于第一次世界大战的史诗战斗加入《Battlefield 1》的世界,成为团结强大的Battlefield社区的一员,亲自体验这场备受评论家赞誉的第一人称射击游戏。在游戏中,你将深入第一次世界大战的战场,感受那场史诗般的战斗。这款游戏不仅赢得了玩家的喜爱,更荣获了2016年E3游戏评论家大奖的最佳动作...