During the Galactic Civil War, B1s left over from the Clone Wars were discovered on Geonosis by Rebel pilot Wedge Antilles after crash landing in his X-wing. Several stormtroopers that had landed on the planet in escape pods managed to destroy many droids by using E-web blasters, but the...
The ammunition box inBattlefield 3has a small window of time where the player can withdraw the kit before throwing. Even if it isn't thrown, an ammunition box quote will still play. Players can still replenish ammo while inside a vehicle, e.g. an MBT, IFV, Tank Destroyers, jeeps etc....
As Harry, Ron, and Hermione stood braced, ready to help, Peeves zoomed over them dropping Snargaluff pods on the Death Eaters, whose heads were engulfed in wriggling green tubers. However, some of the slimy green roots hit the Cloak over Ron's head, and seeing the tubers suspended in ...
In preparation for a Borg invasion of Earth, a state of emergency was declared on the planet. (DS9: "Homefront") Brushing aside the last line of defense by easily destroying a flotilla of Mars Defense Perimeter sentry pods, the Borg cube took up position in Earth orbit. However, using...
Jets will now benefit from Rocket Pods. You will now be able to look back while in the pilot seat of Jets. Reduced the dispersion of 30mm cannons on Jets. Increased the overheat rate of 30mm cannons on Jets. Updated the Third Person Perspective Camera to be more responsive and precise to...
Bipods will now remain open if switching to and from other weapons. Fixed the MP443's empty reload animation. Aim Assist snap is now functional when set to 100 on PS5. Highlights are now present on an enemy weapon after pick-up.
Jets will now benefit from Rocket Pods. You will now be able to look back while in the pilot seat of Jets. Reduced the dispersion of 30mm cannons on Jets. Increased the overheat rate of 30mm cannons on Jets. Updated the Third Person Perspective Camera to be more responsive and precise to...
In this short time, the mission of Yamato is described, and hats off to this splendid rendition in which a strong hymn to Yamato is sung. I borrowed a CD and recorded it on tape and listened to it over and over on my Walkman (we did not have iPods yet). During that time, I ...
Equip your Copter with Rocket Pods, Cannons and Missiles! Arm your chopper with a variety of weapons and equipment! Complete missions in Episode mode inspired by real-life conflicts! Challenge yourself with the next mission or replay a custom mission!
For the challenge, Yellow Face's team is sent to space to protect their funny plant, which he seems to be excited about. After a gamma ray burst hits their space pods, Yellow Face notices that Rocky feels nauseous, with Rocky barfing right after and drowning inside. In the stinger, ...