What caused the Battle of Anzio? Why was the Battle of Stalingrad fought? What was the objective of the Invasion of Normandy? Why did the Battle of Marengo happen? Why was the Battle of Verdun important in WW1? What happened in the Battle of France?
Why was the Battle of Verdun important? What was the significance of the Battle of Kursk? What did the Battle of Chickamauga accomplish? Why was the Battle of Amiens forgotten? What was the Battle of Guadalcanal's significance? What was the purpose of the Battle of Verdun?
The British plan was well developed, drawing on the lessons of the Somme and Verdun of the previous year. Rather than attacking on an extended front, the full weight of artillery would be concentrated on a relatively narrow stretch of twenty-four miles. The barrage was planned to last about...
France would end up contributing three corps to the opening of the attack (the XX, I Colonial, and XXXV Corps of the 6th Army). As the Battle of Verdun dragged on, the aim of the Somme offensive changed from delivering a decisive blow against Germany, to relieving the pressure on the ...
On July 11, Gen. Rawlinson’s troops covered the first German trench, which sent the latter seeking the support of forces from Verdun. After eight days, Von Gallwitz led the reorganization of the German forces. By September 15, the Battle of Flers-Courcelette made use of the first battle...
What were the casualties of the Battle of Verdun? How did the Gallipoli Campaign affect WWI? What was the impact of the Battle of Chickamauga? What was the impact of the Normandy landings on the Allied war effort during World War II?
How did the weather impact the Battle of Passchendaele? Was the Battle of Normandy on the Western Front? How was the Battle of Normandy a turning point in World War II? How long did the Battle of Verdun last? How is the Battle of Passchendaele significant to New Zealand?
What was the significance of the Battle of Vimy Ridge? How is the Battle of the Somme significant to Canada? How did the Battle of Passchendaele shape Canada? Why was the Battle of Verdun important in WW1? What was gained in the Battle of Passchendaele?
Was the Battle of Hastings part of a civil war? Who were the leaders in the Battle of Britain? Was the Battle of Verdun on the Eastern Front? Did the British win the Battle of New Orleans? What did the British do after the Battle of Culloden?
What were the consequences of the Battle of Verdun? What was the outcome of the Battle of Fort Sumter? What battles did Canada fight in WWII? What was the result of the Battle of Vicksburg? What was the outcome of the fighting at Tobruk?