WikiMatrix Seven copies participated in the second battle of El Alamein. 七名参加了El Alamein的第二场战役。 ParaCrawl Corpus The second battle of El Alamein, in October 1942, sounded the end of its use as an assault tank. 埃尔阿拉曼的第二场战役,十月十号,声称其作为突击坦克的使用结束...
Al-Alamein War Museum is located 105 kilometers west of Alexandria. It is placed within the military areas of El Alumni. Who built it ? The museum was opened in the year 1956, during the presidency of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Why was it built? It was built as a memorial of the Battle of...
It was to be used for the first time in action on Second Battle of El Alamein. Fue utilizado en acción por primera vez durante la Segunda Batalla de El Alamein. WikiMatrix And we would have lost the battles of El Alamein and the North Atlantic. Y nosotros habríamos perdido las ...
The First Battle of El Alamein was fought July 1-27, 1942, duringWorld War II(1939-1945). Having been badly defeated by Axis forces at Gazala in June 1942, the British Eighth Army retreated east intoEgyptand assumed a defensive position near El Alamein. Pursued byField Marshal Erwin Rommel...