The storyline is an important part of Battle Royale. An orgonazation named IO made a battle royale island using the ZERO POINT. A big giant ball that connects every reality.This was a loop: 100 PEOPLE DROP IN AND 1 REMAINS.But then: One day, a dim, blue
WikiMatrix Several versions of the Flag of New England were carried by New England militias, especially noted at the Battle of Bunker Hill. 数个版本的新英格兰旗被新英格兰民兵所使用,特别在碉堡山战役时。 LASER-wikipedia2 Nevertheless, the provisional government was recognized by the Confederate...
Retvizan (Ретвизан) was a unique case, a Russian battleship built in the USA. Named after Swedish “Rättvisan” (“Justice”) captured in 1790 and fifth and last of the name, while entering service, she was one of the world’s best representattive of the type, yet she r...