Bosworth, R.J.B (2002). Mussolini. A Hodder Arnold Publication. ISBN 0-340-73144-3. Bradley, John N.; Buell, Thomas B. (2002). "Why Was Barbarossa Delayed". The Second World War: Europe and the Mediterranean (The West Point Military History Series). Square One Publishers, Inc.. ISB...
For that matter ‘Sand-ford’ was an alternative name for the battle of Bosworth (see Tudor Royal Proclamations, ed. """Sandford""是博斯沃思之战的一个别称 (see Tudor Royal Proclamations, ed." Literature Trịnh Tráng staged yet another offensive in 1648 but at the battle of Truong...
For many years theBattle of Bosworthwas traditionally regarded as the final encounter of the civil wars purely because some historians found it a convenient place to mark the end of one historical period and denote the beginning of another. This same reasoning also...