Battle Kid: Fortress of Peril is a custom-made NES game, the fifty-ninth game played by Danny and Arin, and the 131st series on Game Grumps. The game was sent in to the show by David Almirall. Poo Castle Ice Cream and Bagels FINALE Battle Kid: Fortress O
As such, the biggest release this week is all about cats. As for the rest of this week's releases, we have an RPG where you beat up your enemies with plushies, an abyss full of knights, a pill eating yellow blob, a well full of animals and someone holding a gate closed. Next ...
Cats – Ears wiggle. Hair curls move. Stone Idol – Arms move up and down. Eyes move. Metal Idol – Eyes move. Wooden Idol – Arms/Legs move back and forth. Leaves sway. Mage Dog – Cowl moves back and forth. Rescue Dog – Ears wiggle. Marble Boulder – Brown “shoulder pads” mo...