Connection: Both are house cats with BIG appetites and equally BIG tempers and living with an owner they abused (Jon and the narrator), a yellow dog with no brain (Odie and Puppy), a stuff animal they love (Pooky and Mousey Mouse), and a recurring character that's bald (Doc Boy and...
Speaking of cats, there’s Egypt, so I decided on his costume from there. I prefer to have strong characters who don’t look strong at first glance. Simple, by contrast, brings out the fear of their unfathomable true nature better than being too showy. I also like how it’s ominous....
Oh my God, all the cats are named after booze! I like 'em now. Wiz: This was a fairly balanced matchup. Galaxia's powerset was certainly enough to keep up with Beerus. Boomstick: Especially since she had so many more versatile techniques than him. ...
Moreover, the moonwalk mimics the elegant move of cats (and mice). The Film Moonwalker contains many, many confirmations. At time 7:10, for example, you enounter a rat with a red jacket next to the frog prince. The film also reveals Michael's soft spot for James...
According this electoral vote analysis, it’s much closer…but Trump still wins. “Jill Biden Drops Out Of Presidential Race.” A theory occurs to me. I’m not sure how to weigh the possibility that it’s true. Some commenters have theorized that the inter-Democratic-Party warfare we’...