比如对招募人员数值想要了解更多的, 可以去看 battlebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Character_Backgrounds基本的游戏机制 battlebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Game_mechanics战斗机制的详解 battlebrothers.fandom.com/wiki/Combat_Mechanics非常优秀的wiki网站, 图表很多, 结合自动翻译, 可以看个八九吧, 嗯 7楼2022-10-10 01:...
Battle Brothers July 20, 2017 I have played this game for over 400 hours on Steam. It is like playing an old AD&D campaign. Battle Brothers is one of the best tactical strategy games I have played. Do not get too attached to your brothers early on because until they get better arm...
问下大佬们敌人的变强..维基原文:Enemy Troop Size and CompositionEnemy troop sizes are influenced by many factors, the overarchi
游戏发行:Overhype Studios 游戏平台:PC 发售时间:2017年3月24日 官方网站:http://battlebrothersgam...
27 这么好的游戏不汉化,搞一堆没人玩的游戏汉化,我服!!吼哇,那中央研究决定了 就由你来汉化...
所有受损敌人的血量更多,粒子效果更强动态世界Ingame滑块控制世界大小的城市,派系,海洋,福利,沼泽(实验,阅读工具提示)高贵的房子开始在内战中,有6个新的AI Noble房屋原型绿皮队开始内战匪徒开始内战伏击加剧,可以靠近定居点伏击危机发生的时间更早且更频繁事件产生率提高10% 3楼2019-02-16 12:57 回复 ...
Battle Brothers is a challenging turn based, tactical RPG in a fantasy setting for PC currently in Early Access. Check out the developers blog to find out more!
《Battle Brothers》讨论版 白1金1银18铜65总85点数1785 3人玩过 排序 综合排序 暂时没有条目
Battle Brothers is a turn-based strategy game revolving around managing a hearty company of hired muscle in a medieval, low-fantasy setting. You are dropped into a randomly generated world consisting of multiple biomes, plenty of villages, and a few noble houses squabbling between each other for...
Battle Brothers Battle Brothers is a challenging turn based strategy RPG mix for PC, Mac and Linux. The gameplay is inspired by such classics as X-com: UFO Defense and Jagged Alliance. It is being developed by Overhype Studios and is currently in Early Access....