(redirected fromBattle of Wounded Knee) Encyclopedia Wound·ed Knee (wo͞on′dĭd) A creek of southwest South Dakota. Some 300 Lakota were massacred here by US troops on December 29, 1890. In 1973 a standoff between Indian activists and US law officers resulted in deaths on both sides....
New Battle of Wounded Knee for Unlucky CraigRead the full-text online article and more details about "New Battle of Wounded Knee for Unlucky Craig" - The Journal (Newcastle, England), July 13, 2004
Wounded Knee Siege Trouble Continues at Pine Ridge Sources Wounded Knee, located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, was the site of two conflicts between Native Americans and representatives of the U.S. government, including the U.S. Army and, later, the FBI. An 1890 mass...
What was the Battle of Wounded Knee?Showdown at Wounded Knee Creek:In the mid- to late nineteenth century, the United States government believed in America's manifest destiny or destiny to extend from the East to West coast. An ever-increasing population and the need for more land for ...
Battle of Wounded KneeˌWounded ˈKnee, Battle of the last important battle between the US army and the Native Americans, which took place at Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. US soldiers killed almost 200 Sioux people, including women and children, and the battle brought an end to th...
PADRAIG Harrington will have a knee operation next week because he fears dodging the surgeon's knife any longer could give him arthritis. The triple Major winner has been playing through a cartilage injury that he suffered during a friendly game of football at Christmas - but now doctors have...
where Travis could defend himself against alaser string. This is further backed his master, Thunder Ryu,doing the same thing... and also beingvaporizedby the very same laser alongside the rock next to him. It's likely not as strong as the dragon's breath, but it is at least something ...
Reservation, South Dakota, U.S.—died February 14, 2013, Crystal Lake, Nevada) was a Sicangu Lakota activist and author who was best known for her book Lakota Woman (1990), which earned an American Book Award in 1991 and was adapted for film as Lakota Woman: Siege at Wounded Knee in...
Wounded Knee is a settlement on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota that was the site of two conflicts between Native Americans and the U.S. government—a massacre in 1890 in which 150-300 Lakota were killed by the U.S. Army and an occupati