With this cold snap, I noticed yesterday that the battery on my grizzly was a little weak. even clicked a few times before I got it to start. I'm thinking of picking up a batter tender/ trickle charger so was wondering what people use to keep their ATV b
BatteryStuff TechSteve, as far as if a battery discharges faster than it charges depends on the amperage being pulled from a battery and the amperage charging the battery. Typically, most smart chargers will taper off the amperage towards the end of the charge to not heat the battery, so ...
I thought it would be a simple matter to connect my 750mah Deltran Battery Tender however the voltage quickly runs up to 13.5v and the Battery Tender discontinues output. Tried a second new battery tender, same result. Tried a second sealed lead acid battery (12V 7AH), same result. Hmm...
He hooks up his battery tester to the (removed) Toyota 12v (in service from 08/09), and announces “Oh, it’s fine!” I consider referring him to this thread, but instead just mutter thanks, and leave. Next morning: measure 12.56v at terminals. Fully charge it w/smart charger; let...