(G3) is a Dayton, Ohio, USA-based advanced materials and battery technology company. G3 researchers discovered and patented graphene in 2002, two years before Nobel Physics Prize winners, Drs. A. Geim and K. Novoselov, are credited with their “discovery” of graphene in 2004 [Science 306...
Attorney, Agent or Firm: Nanotek Instruments (Dayton, OHIO, US) Claims: 1. A mixed nano-filament composition for use as an electrochemical cell electrode, said composition comprising: c) An aggregate of nanometer-scaled, electrically conductive filaments that are substantially interconnected, intersect...
By using second-order ECM plus an EKF and Equation (5), the approach presented in [7] can estimate the SoC and shows that it does not rely on the initial SoC and is immune to parameter errors. The approach displayed in [77] uses the second-order ECM presented in [7] to obtain the...