We all know that two shelters for women operate round the clock to provide temporary accommodationforbattered wivesandtheir children. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 我們都知道現有兩間全日開放的婦女庇護所,為被毆的妻子及其子女提供臨時居 所。
When many of us hear the words "domestic violence," we automatically assume the victim would be a female and the attacker would be a male. After all, men are traditionally viewed as the more aggressive of the two sexes, and the victims of most domestic abuse situations are indeed women. ...
The children's court appointed law guardian, who is a female, has been advocating for her, and she comes to court hearings with a women representative from the battered women's shelter and has adopted the theory that she has all the emotional problems with herself because of me. ...