对应原文:第4段:several species of indigenous bats are taking advantage of habitat modification to this article is from laokaoya website hunt insects swarming above the country’s rice fields. 第5段:These winner species are providing a valuable free service to Madagascar as biological pest suppress...
There are few places in the world where relations between agriculture and conservation are more strained. Madagascar’s forests are being converted to agricultural land at a rate of one percent every year. Much of this destruction is fuelled by the cultivation of the country’s main staple crop:...
@知了爱学bats to the rescue 知了爱学 翻译结果: 蝙蝠来救援 应用场景: 这个短语可能用于描述一种情境,其中蝙蝠意外地或特意地成为了救援者或解决问题的关键因素。它可能出现在儿童故事、科幻作品或比喻性语境中,用以形容某个意想不到的救助者或解决方案。 造句例句: 中文:在小镇被害虫侵扰时,蝙蝠们成了英雄...
Bats to the rescue 显示生词显示重点词 本文词汇 Tip:单击查看句义;划选/双击查生词 How Madagascar’s bats are helping to save the rainforest There are few places in the world where relations between agriculture and conservation are more strained.Madagascar’s forests are being converted to agricultu...
“Bats to the rescue”这一概念通常指蝙蝠在生态保护、农业害虫控制、疾病研究等领域发挥的独特作用。它们通过自然捕食、传粉、种子传播等功能,间接或直接助力人类解决环境与健康问题。以下从不同维度展开分析。 一、农业害虫控制的天然助手 蝙蝠是夜间活跃的昆虫捕食者,能大幅减少农业害...
3 0 02:11 App Bats to the rescue-填空题-Q9 2 0 02:27 App Bats to the rescue-填空题-Q8 1 0 01:50 App Bats to the rescue-填空题-Q10 7 0 02:58 App Stonehenge-判断题-Q9 11 0 02:58 App Living with artificial intelligence-判断题-Q20 1 0 02:53 App Bats to the rescue-填空题...
Bats to the Rescue!豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. It's Halloween and Diego and Alicia are throwing a party at the Animal Rescue Center. Everyone is there-including Freddie the fruit bat. But where are Linda the
Passage 1 Bats to the rescue How Madagascar’s bats are helping to save the rainforest Paragraph A strained [ streɪnd] adj. 紧张的 Madagascar [ˌmadəˈɡaskə] n. 马达加斯加 staple [ˈsteɪpl] n.主食/主要作物 subsistence [ səbˈsɪst(ə)ns] n.维持生计 ...
Bats to the rescue! (机器翻译:为了拯救蝙蝠!) 作者:Paz, Veronica 出版社:Nickelodeon ISBN(13位):9781442402287 语种:英语 开本:32 页数:24 市场价:¥ 39.9 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 平装 九成新¥ 15.20¥ 13.380有货通知 内容简介 今天是万圣节,迭戈和艾丽西亚正在动物救援中心举办一个派对。每个人...
作者:Veronica Paz/Rosemary Contreras/Art Mawhinney 出版社:Simon Spotlight 出版年:2010-8 页数:24 定价:36.00元 ISBN:9781442402287 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· Ann Beattie arrived in New York young, celebrated (as The New Yorker 's newest ...