You need to edit the /boot/batocera-boot.conf file like this : sharedevice=NETWORK sharenetwork_nfs1=ROMS@ sharenetwork_nfs2=SAVES@ sharenetwork_nfs3=BIOS@ sharenetwork_smb1...
本吧热帖: 1-Batocera的BIOS全集 2-BATOCERA_V39_BASE_15G_x86_64 3-大佬们给个马里奥惊奇和星之卡比探索发现 4-分享P106-100的折腾经历 v40-v41,新年干货! 5-巴托塞拉镜像包需要解压吗? 6-求助各位吧友 7-steamdeck安装batocera需要请教一下 8-求助怎么新添加游戏文件
\\BATOCERA\share\bios= place to copy the bios of the emulators. Using another USB drive for ROMS and BIOS We can also useanother USB deviceto copy ourROMS and BIOSif the network system gives us problems, the procedure is very simple, and it makes quite comfortable to copy contents without...
本吧热帖: 1-S905l3a也能用上最新的Batocera v41了 2-batoceraV42可以支持部分鹦鹉模拟器的游戏了 3-最强batocera低解服务器主机 配置可供参考 4-求助,我有一块500G硬盘 想做个游戏硬盘 5-几十元,搞个电视棒,装这个batocera,是否可以? 6-Batocera的BIOS全集 7-BATOCER
本吧热帖: 1-Batocera的BIOS全集 2-BATOCERA_V39_BASE_15G_x86_64 3-Batocera的新玩家想玩低解,请教老玩家一些问题。 4-Batocera_V41_V1 5-240p游戏画面水平偏右 6-【隔壁老K小组】第十九弹分享 索尼PS2 ,76款游戏,包括官中汉化 7-Batocera_V41_switch版 8-batocera走完
本吧热帖: 1-搞了一套性价比贼高的游戏小机器。 2-手把手制作4.9L itx hifi音响散热静音ns模拟小主机 3-分享P106-100的折腾经历 v40-v41,新年干货! 4-batocera v40低解失败 5-Batocera_V41_V1 6-Batocera的BIOS全集 7-BATOCERA_V39_BASE_15G_x86_64 8-BatoceraV41_春节特
本吧热帖: 1-求助,我有一块500G硬盘 想做个游戏硬盘 2-几十元,搞个电视棒,装这个batocera,是否可以? 3-Batocera_V40春节特别版发布 4-BatoceraV41_春节特别版 5-搞了一套性价比贼高的游戏小机器。 6-Batocera的BIOS全集 7-BATOCERA_V39_BASE_15G_x86_64 8-大佬们新年好
We access the BIOS menu by pressing F12 and modify the boot order to boot from the USB drive first, then save and exit the BIOS. We finished the process by following the on-screen instructions, and our OS was installed. After installing the OS, we connected the Ethernet cable to our de... and here in particular are listed the same errors found in the support file and the reasons why VBIOS does not load on Optimus system
现在烧个8G的镜像,ROMS只有几百兆的剩余了(就是说我笔记本电脑就这个500G的硬盘就好,以后就加游戏) 分享1313 batocera吧 debrnr Batocera.linux 35 原版,及十全大补Batocera.linux 35 741.05MB