We can copy and manage our ROMS and BIOS files in several ways with Batocera, we will explain in a simple way how to do it without much complication using a PC. On the internet we can downloadpacks of roms for Batocera, in Google it is easy to locate them. Download BIOS pack for Ba...
现在烧个8G的镜像,ROMS只有几百兆的剩余了(就是说我笔记本电脑就这个500G的硬盘就好,以后就加游戏) 分享1313 batocera吧 debrnr Batocera.linux 35 原版,及十全大补Batocera.linux 35 https://batocera.org/download FULL-PACK-BIOS-BATOCERA-V35-TMCTV.zip 741.05MB https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/6DEN4g86...
nuc11 i5跑 ..nuc11 i5跑 batocera 5.32 中文版 卡死U盘启动, F1 卡死安了 FULL-PACK-BIOS-BATOCERA-V31-TMCTV MD游戏 卡死 其他游戏 不用试了 ,