There has been no shortage of superhero television or streaming shows in recent years. Following several years in which superhero shows were mostly CW series for DC Comics, Netflix’s Marvel universe, or ABC entries, we’ve been overwhelmed with a variety of different series with the rise of...
Though Batman is a character that dominates a massive share of the pop culture space, that doesn’t stop DC Comics from giving the brooding Dark Knight his own day of celebration every year. The superhero has spawned a treasure trove of engaging media across every medium he’s featured in, ...
A gritty journey consisting of wading through Gotham City’s corrupt underbelly, a nerve-wracking killing spree to stop, and a deep level of introspection were what was in store for the Dark Knight in Matt Reeves’The Batman.Robert Pattinson’s gloomy Batmanhad been operating in this grimy, p...
As Batman and Kyle continue to go further down the labyrinth tucked under Gotham Deep, they're getting closer to the Garden. That doubtlessly means another encounter with the mushrooms masquerading as the Dark Knight is in their future, as neither Kyle's magic nor Terry's strategy has caused ...
The Batman is a gripping, tension-filled, and pleasingly measured take on the Dark Knight that juggles its multiple moving parts with aplomb. And, although the superhero’s cinematic franchise may not have necessarily needed it, The Batman similarly breathes new life into the vigilante’s film ...
The Dark Knight star Christian Bale hasn't seen The Batman yet but is confident Robert Pattinson did a great job. By Mudit Chhikara Jun 25, 2022 DCEU The Batman: Actors Who Should Play Mr. Freeze in the Sequel Since The Batman has already announced a sequel, here’s who we would...
On the one hand, the prospect of a brand-new take on the Dark Knight being introduced to the burgeoning cinematic universe along with his fellow DC heroes is undeniably exciting. On the other, we already have a perfectly good Caped Crusader in The Batman star Robert Pattinson.At the time,...
including the rise of A.I. and the dominance of streaming services, which have seemingly contributed to the decline in theater footfall. While the strikes ended with amicable agreements for most people, the resulting production delays have had a substantial impact, leading to many postponed and ca...
This holiday season Christmas Eve is going to be quite a Dark Knight. An animatedBatmanholiday special that was originally planned for Max (or HBO Max, I suppose) isinstead coming to streamingonPrime Videoin a matter of weeks. TitledMerry Little Batman, the special features the voices of Yon...
Known for playing villain Bane in "The Dark Knight Rises," John Fitzgerald in "The Revenant" alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, and Venom in the Marvel Comics feature of the same name, Hardy was awarded the honor of CBE by Prince Charles: Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British ...