Batman: The Darkest Knights: Directed by Jake Donald Truitt. With David Shea, J Tyler Pennington, Beau Roberts, Brittney Cassidy. Take a journey through Gotham in this audio fan film adaptation where the dark knight hunts his way through obstacles implem
Synopsis: Christian Bale once again embodies the man behind the mask in "The Dark Knight." The film reunites Bale with director Christopher Nolan and takes Batman across the world in his quest to fight a growing criminal threat. With the help of Lieuten
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 1: Directed by Jay Oliva. With Peter Weller, Ariel Winter, David Selby, Wade Williams. Batman has not been seen for ten years. A new breed of criminal ravages Gotham City, forcing 55-year-old Bruce Wayne back into th
This article is about the film. For the Caped Crusader nicknamed "The Dark Knight", see Batman. The Dark Knight is the 2008 sequel to Batman Begins. The film is directed by Christopher Nolan and stars Christian Bale as Batman, Michael Caine as Alfred J.
and it revives such classic Batman villains as the Joker (played byHeath Ledger).The Dark Knightbecame one of the highest-grossing movies of all time. His Batman series concluded with the grandioseThe Dark Knight Rises(2012), in which the superhero’s exploits are set against a backdrop of...
More wallpapers posted by Y.P.Y Description:Batman 3 The Dark Knight Rises Categories: Movies/Batman Tags: the dark knight rises batman 3 batman 3 the dark knight rises Related wallpapers UHDMobile 2.52/5 WideUHDMobile 2.07/5 WideUHD 2.48/5 WideUHDMobile 2.29/5...
Vote up your favorite takes on the Dark Knight! Latest additions:Batman: Caped Crusader Most divisive:Batman: Caped Crusader Over 800 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of All the Batman Shows (and Movies), Ranked HOW RANKINGS WORK ...
Shadows of the Bat: The Cinematic Saga of the Dark Knight - Batman Unbound: Directed by Constantine Nasr. With George Clooney, John Glover, Akiva Goldsman, Michael Gough.
continued changes to his star wars movies . check out the the dark knight "rises" clip, made by youtubers dr. coolsex comedy , above. with headphones on, it's pretty safe for work. the actual the dark knight rises hits theaters in summer 2012. [via topless robot and nerd bastards ]...
Batman: One Dark Night: Directed by Nathan Trucks. With Ed Gage, Brent Bernal Quintero, Filipp Degtjarjov, Aaron Toft.