Of the 144027 characters on Anime Characters Database, 303 are from the western animation Batman Beyond.
If you dig into the long history of DC Comics, you might just find that more characters have wornBatman's cape and cowl than those whohaven't. OK, that's an exaggeration. But not by much. Whether standing in for an ailing or missing (or dead) Bruce Wayne, or succeeding him in stor...
One of the things that comes up a lot is how often characters talk about Mrs. Hawking when she’s not there. It’s a common occurrence in the scripts, so not only do we mock the frequency a little, we also mock the very fact. Lest you forget who the main character is, here are ...
there are a few other adversaries who haven't aged well or weren't developed enough as standalone characters. And then, there were a few villains who were caricature-ish enough by just their names.
they usually go no further than flirting, due to commitments with other characters or brief stints that end as quickly as his civilian partnerships. Likewise, Batman has also shared romances with enemies, though they usually end due to their imprisonment or learning it to be part of their schem...
Barry Keoghan is the name making waves—not just for his acting talent but also for his past relationship with pop star Sabrina Carpenter. Click to Read More October 31, 2023 Watch Kendall & Kylie Jenner Transform Into ‘Batman Forever’ Characters Sugar & Spice for Halloween Kendall and Kyli...
Maximillian "Max"Shreckis a powerful, malignant narcissistic, as well as ruthless business mogul who serves as the boss ofSelina Kyle(his secretary) and an ally tothe Penguin. His first and only appearance in theBatmanfranchise was inTim Burton’sBatman Returns, apart from the comic book adapta...
InBatman Begins, the opera that was attended byBruceand his parents featured characters who were similar to Tim Burton's Penguin that tugged at the ropes. Elements of Devito's characterization of the Penguin, namely his preferring to eat raw unprepared fish and to a lesser extent his more vu...
The Tangent series took the names of major DC characters and spun them off in new directions, while Amalgam crossed DC heroes with their closest Marvel counterparts. So here, we have a Dark Knight in armour, mourning his lady love from King Arthur’s court, with script by Dan Jurgens and...
Batman has beaten characters who used the suit of sorrows like Jean Paul valley " Both Azrael's have also beaten Batman. And you didn't answered my question, was Michael using the Suit Of Sorrows, when Batman defeated him? (assuming that he actually did it). " Fair enough scratch the ...