Arkham City HD Texture Pack and Advanced Launcher. Full support for DirectX 11 and Steam achievements. 157.6MB 920 32.7k 2 Batman Arkham City - Advanced Launcher Utilities Uploaded:16 Nov 2022 Last Update:07 Sep 2024 Author:neatodev Replacement Application for the original Batman: Arkham City Bm...
名称:Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition 类型:动作,冒险 开发商:Rocksteady Studios 发行商:WB Games 系列:WB Games,Batman: Arkham 发行日期:2012 年 9 月 7 日 访问网站查看手册查看更新记录阅读相关新闻查看讨论查找社区组 嵌入 在Steam 上查看“WB Games”全合集作品 ...
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1.) Extract and drop the "BmGame" folder into your game's directory (x:\x\steamapps\common\Batman Arkham City GOTY)2.) Open your PCGame.ini file located within Batman Arkham City GOTY\BmGame\Config\PC and paste the following line under the [BmGame.RPlayerController] section:+Playable...
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Batman: Arkham City is third-person Action-Adventure game that delivers an authentic Dark Knight experience rooted in an original and engrossing story as well as a combination of melee combat Action $19.99-20%$15.99To the Shop-Page 128 Steam Achievements ...
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