Years ago, Batman and Wonder Woman discovered The Gentle Man, a man who endlessly protected Earth from the invasion of creatures from another realm. They offered him the chance to take his place for a day and he had decided to take them up on their offer. The Gentle Man failed to tell...
our Sherlock Holmes, the driving force behind why everyone is here and what everyone is doing. And she’s a woman; all this action is centered around a female character. And an asexual one at that!
So Nic and myself, along with Damion, were the three original founders of the site, and the whole thing with Nic is that our entire ten-year friendship has essentially been one long conversation about video games. We met in the schoolyard talking about fake cheat codes we imagined for Sou...
Married... with Children (1987) Peter Mark Richman Winchell 1 Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) James Eckhouse Zacharias 1 Junior (1994) Kurtwood Smith Agent Bennett 1 RoboCop (1987) Charles Rocket Donny's Dad 1 Dumb and Dumber (1994) Kevin Dunn ...
Batman went to Giza, Egypt with Wonder Woman and J'onzz. The trio infiltrated the factory and found the Ion Matrix Crystal, a vital component of the plant. Batman and Wonder Woman provided a diversion to allow J'onzz to remove the crystal. As he removed the crystal, J'onzz was ...
entertainment. Joker is also considered one of DC' most recognizable characters, with him also battling other heroes such asSupermanandWonder Woman. The character has also become an icon in popular culture, usually through his portrayals in various media related to Batman and other DC properties....
Unlike Superman and Wonder Woman, characters that have been in publication for as long as Batman, the Dark Knight has never had a long-standing leading partner and instead, he has been constantly switching interests when it comes to romance. This is due to the nature of Batman's character;...
Gothic is a detective story, a horror story, and a thriller that teams Morrison with the great Klaus Janson. Religion and Batman aren't married in comics as often as they should be. Morrison plays it perfectly. For those a little worried about a "Morrison head-trip," relax. Nothing in ...
In the 1970s comics, a series of stories taking place on Earth-Two (the parallel Earth that was retroactively declared as the home of DC's Golden Age characters) reveal that on that world, Selina reformed in the 1950s (after the events of Batman #69) and had married Bruce Wayne; soon...
Batman, Wonder Woman, and Black Lightning join the trio of heroes to fend off the monster vermin. While the JLA heroes corral the vermin and launch them into deep space, Black Lightning defeats the Regulator, who falls to a grisly death in an incinerator. The JLAers once again invite ...