A tale of loyalty and unlikely friendship featuring two of the most recognizable and popular super-heroes on the planet, SUPERMAN/BATMAN: PUBLIC ENEMIES pairs the Man of Steel with the Dark Knight. The iconic super-heroes unite when longtime Superman enemy Lex Luthor, now president of the Uni...
Confrontations and exchanges of virtue ethics: a study of dialectical friendship between superman and batman in comic booksManatchai AmponpeerapanJaray Singhakowinta
bothBatmanandSupermanhave fought in order to protect them from becoming evil or to stop pure anger in the friendship. However, in Batman: The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, Batman and Superman battle each other because the President ordered Superman to fight Batman in order to stop ...
Batman and Superman are two of the oldest superheroes in the comic book medium, but for characters who have both existed for over 80 years now two of the most significant developments to have happened to them have largely been in the last decade-plus as Batman and Superman have beco...
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special III: Magical Friendship The Robot Chicken writers don their capes and masks one more time for this epic special! Batman and Superman's bromance takes a competitive turn and the fate of the universe somehow hangs in the balance. ...
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In"Skeeter,"Superman is almost taken down by a magical vampire because he's allergic to magic (or something like that) and Batman has to do the dirty work, impaling the vampire they've been trailing through the South. By this point in their tenuous friendship, Bats and Supes are able ...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice In this film, theRobin Memorialis shown in the Batcave. The suit is also vandalized byJoker, who spray painted across it "Hahaha joke's on you,Batman", and alluded to his hand in the death. InSuicide Squad, it is revealed thatHarley Quinnapparently ...
Whether they are the world's finest example of humanity and friendship or bitter rivals, Superman and Batman have thrown down quite a few times over the years. With Superman v. Batman: Dawn of Justice right around the corner, Ranker Comics has collected all of the toughest, bloodiest, and...
(Hitman #3), formed a close friendship with environmentalist and kindred spiritPoison Ivy(Batman: Poison Ivy), played cards withthe Ventriloquistand theMad Hatter(Batman 80-Page Giant #2) and joined in the regular inmate uprisings (Batman: Arkham Asylum - Tales of Madness #1;The Creeper #7...