The XRD pattern of BaTiO3 particles, which were synthesized under irradiation of ultrasonic sound for 0.5 h, showed sharp diffraction peaks that corresponded to the cubic BaTiO3 phase. Only a small amount of BaCO3 contamination was present in the sample. The Raman active modes of the ...
BaTiO3 NanopowderCrystallinity:Tetragonal Observed by XRD;Dielectric constants:1000--12000 Comparison between them:500nm Tetragonal,400nm Tetragonal,300nm Tetragonal,200nm Tetragonal,100nm Cubicand50nm Cubic Barium Titanate Nanopowder BaTiO3 TetragonalCertificate of Analysis-wt% ...
Fig.4 XRDpatternat ( 111 ) peakofBaTiO3ceramics byultra highpressuresinteringat1000℃ 7 5 第 1 期 肖长江等:纳米 BaTiO3 陶瓷的超高压烧结 3.2 烧结体的压电性 目前已对用不同烧结方法得到的纳米钛酸钡陶 图 5 在 1000℃ 条件下超高压烧结得到的 ...
2 XRD patterns of (1x)BT–xPMN ceramics: (a) x = 0, (b) x = 0.025, (c) x = 0.05, (d) x = 0.075, (e) x = 0.1, and (f) x = 0.15. Note that Fig. 2(a) presents XRD pattern in the wide angle range of 20°–80°. For clarity of the presentation, Figs. 2(...
(email: SCientifiC Reports | 7:45179 | DOI: 10.1038/srep45179 1 Figure 1. (a) SEM image, (b) XRD pattern and (c) TEM nanofibers (NT NFs). (d) SEM image of H2Ti3O7 NFs. images of hydrothermally synthesized Na2Ti3O7 spherical...
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns in Figure 1 show that the nanowires are composed of highly crystalline, cubic per- ovskite structure of BaTiO 3 (pattern a) and SrTiO 3 (pat- tern b). The unit-cell parameters for BaTiO 3 and SrTiO ...
摘要 采用溶胶⁃凝胶与固相反应相结合的方法制备了x NiFe 2O 4/(1-x )BaTiO 3(x =0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6)系列复合多铁材料.X 射线衍射(XRD)结果表明,复合材料中只含有钙钛矿结构的BaTiO 3和尖晶石结 构的NiFe 2O 4,说明共烧过程中两者未发生明显的化学反应,铁电相与铁磁相共存.扫描电子...
(XRD) measurements with a Cu Kα1source (Supplementary Fig.4). From reciprocal space maps of the BTO film around the PSO{(33\bar{2})}_{{{\rm{O}}}and PSO{(240)}_{{{\rm{O}}}reflections, we concluded that the BTO films are fully coherent with the PSO substrate. The lattice...
图ll.2%La和0.75%Si包覆BT陶瓷烧结体的XRD图 Fig.lXRDpatternOfBTceramicdOpedwithl.2%OfLaand 0.75%OfSi 陶瓷烧结体在l260 温度下烧结l.2h 由图可见,所形成晶相为四方相,其中未发现第 二相存在,说明La 3+ 固溶进了钛酸钡晶格.由于 La 3+ 离子半径比Ba 2+ 的小,使晶胞发生收缩和畸 变, 2- 和Ba ...
Fig. 1(b) shows the enlarged XRD pattern with 2θ range of 38ο ∼ 46ο, which displays the pseudocubic {111}pc profile to be a doublet Conclusions High-temperature piezoelectric ceramics BCxF-BT were prepared using the conventional oxide-mixed method. Ca doping exerts dramatic ...