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Reminiscent of a luxury hotel ensuite, this floor-to-ceilingaccent wallmakes a bold statement. The dark gray tiles — ranging in color from charcoal to blueish-gray — is complemented by warm brass fixtures and a trough sink, resulting in a handsome bathroom perfect for anyone looking to add...
Here you’ll really see your new bathroom come to life. First, your tiler will lay tiles and your painter will paint the walls. Once these are dry, your new bathroom furniture can be moved in. Your plumber and electrician now complete any connections. Your contractors will apply waterproofing...
Did you know that we are also experts at restoring chipped and damaged crystal glassware and china. The Manhattan Mirror Co. is Melbourne’s most popular mirror shop-manufacturing and specializing in frameless/ unframed wall mirrors & bathroom cabinets. The Manhattan Mirror Co. has a superb range...