SAP BATCH MANAGEMENT(批次详解及SOP) 热度: IA_-__BATCH批次管理控制产品介绍及演示(PDF) 热度: SAP培训SD模块课程第45节:Batch销售自动出批次 热度: 相关推荐 BatchManagement Page1 Contents IntroductiontoBatchManagement IdentifyvariousbatchesinWM BatchDetermination BatchWhere-UsedList Pick-UpLists Batch-...
0 Kudos 1,113 SAP Managed Tags: SAP ERP, MAN Production Planning (PP) Hi, Can anybody explain Batch Management from PP point of view with an example? sudhaKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comment ...
1: 订单Release必须确定各个组件的批次,可以手工,自动等方式确定.如果有任何一个组件没一确定批次,订单不能Release. 2: 订单Release不是必须要确定各个组件的批次,但是发料时候必须要求生产订单确定组件批次才能进行发料.注意是在订单中确定批次, 不是发料指定批次,发料是指定批次没用,系统报错,一定要在订单中指定批次。
If you use materials that are subject to batch management, you may need to take quantities and properties of specific batches into account when your perform material quantity calculations in the process order. Depending on the active ingredient concentration of a component batch, you may need, for...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, I am assigning batch number externally during the production order creation by using user exit. In my case i have to do "The same batch number generated for the Main co-product should be assigned to the other co-products at the same time". ...
SAP ArchiveLink - Application Scenarios (PP) Storing of Order Records (PP-PI) Optical Archiving of Batch Records (PP-PI) Batch Record (PP-PI) Definition of Contents and Layout of Archive Documents Status Management for Batch Records (PP-PI) Process: Batch Record Archiving (PP-...
SAP 生产订单状态与业务事务应用 发料无法触发任何状态的激活,原因是业务事务设置用户状态具备一定的前提条件,SAPnote 406537中说明了业务事务触发用户状态具备的两个前提条件:1、在系统标准程序中,设置了该业务事务运行时...允许货物移动、生产订单收货这两个业务代码。 最终的效果是创建生产订单时,系统确定出用户状态参...
S. (2015). Mechanisms of antimony adsorption onto soybean stover-derived biochar in aqueous solutions. Journal of Environmental Management, 151, 443–449. Article Google Scholar Kim, P., Johnson, A., Edmunds, C. W., Radosevich, M., Vogt, ...
All the sugars in hydrolyzed nipa sap were consumed, with acetic acid yield of 0.87 g/g sugar. Overall, nipa sap as hydrolyzed with invertase was efficiently fermented to acetic acid which is a valuable chemical and a potential biorefinery intermediate....
(x86)\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\WINDOWS\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Compone 分享回复1 sap培训吧 滴答嘀嗒滴嗒嘀 WM Transaction Code 仓库...