publicclassPlayerimplementsSerializable{privateStringID;privateString lastName;privateString firstName;privateString position;privateint birthYear;privateint debutYear;publicStringtoString(){return"PLAYER:ID="+ID+",Last Name="+lastName+",First Name="+firstName+",Position="+position+",Birth Year="+birt...
ArrowStringDataFrameColumn.GetMaxRecordBatchLength(Int64) MethodReference Feedback DefinitionNamespace: Microsoft.Data.Analysis Assembly: Microsoft.Data.Analysis.dll Package: Microsoft.Data.Analysis v0.21.1 Returns the max number of values that are conti...
static final String JobWithSameIdExists A job with the specified job schedule ID exists. static final String MetadataTooLarge The size of the metadata exceeds the maximum permitted. static final String MissingContentLengthHeader The HTTP content-length header was not specified...
The display name need not be unique and can contain any Unicode characters up to a maximum length of 1024. eTag string The ETag of the Pool. This is an opaque string. You can use it to detect whether the Pool has changed between requests. In particular, you can be pass the ETag ...
class.getName() }; } else { imports = new String[] { SimpleBatchConfiguration.class.getName() }; } return imports; } } 一条是当@EnableBatchProcessing(modular =true) 时候, 走的ModularBatchConfiguration 另外一条路是@EnableBatchProcessing。 那么这两条路有啥不同呢。 主要是job 定义的方式不...
该接口用于批量发送消息到指定的队列,一次BatchSendMessage最多发送16条消息(一次Batch请求的消息总大小不得超过64 KB)。普通消息发送到队列立即被消费者消费,如果生产者发送一个消息不想立即被消费者消费(典型的使用场景为定期任务),生产者可以在发送消息时设置DelaySeconds参数。
ArrowStringDataFrameColumn.GetMaxRecordBatchLength(Int64) Method Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.Data.Analysis Assembly: Microsoft.Data.Analysis.dll Package: Microsoft.Data.Analysis v0.21.1 Returns the max number of values that are contiguous in memory C# Copy protected...
Deletes a list of connection definitions from the Data Catalog. Request Syntax {"CatalogId": "string", "ConnectionNameList": [ "string" ] } Request Parameters For information about the parameters that are common to all actions, seeCommon Parameters. ...
该接口用于批量发送消息到指定的队列,一次BatchSendMessage最多发送16条消息(一次Batch请求的消息总大小不得超过64 KB)。普通消息发送到队列立即被消费者消费,如果生产者发送一个消息不想立即被消费者消费(典型的使用场景为定期任务),生产者可以在发送消息时设置DelaySeconds参数。
Type: Array of strings Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 256. Pattern:[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_@:]{1,256} Required: Yes WorkGroup The name of the workgroup to which the prepared statements belong. Type: String ...