SETLOCAL enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion REM Get the newest pptx file in the specified directory. Get the filename and last modified timestamp FOR /f "tokens=1-3,5*" %%a IN ('dir ^"%pathsource%\*.pptx^" /a-d-h-s /o-d /tw ^| find /i ^".pptx^"') DO ( REM echo !co...
C:\CMD>set /a counter=0 C:\CMD>for /F "tokens=1" %a in (BOAfiles) do ( rem pgp --decrypt "C:\CMD\%a" --passphrase "passwordhere" --output "C:\CMD\BOAdecrypt!counter!.dat" -v set /a counter+=1 echo The value of Counter is: !counter! ) C:\CMD>( rem pgp --decryp...
Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table MyTable either when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON or when a replication user is inserting into a NOT FOR REPLICATION identity column. Exponential expressions are failing with "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type fl...
ManageCounterSets ManifestFile ManualTest ManyToMany MapInternal MapItemInternal MapItemPrivate MapItemProtected MapItemPublic MapItemSealed MapItemShortcut MapLayerWizard MapLineLayer MappedBreakpointDisabled MappedBreakpointEnabled MappedTracepointDisabled MappedTracepointEnabled MapPolygonLayer MapPrivate MapProtec...
end loop; raise notice 'Value: %', counter; END block $$; 为了模拟 1 毫秒的处理时间,我添加了对 Thread.sleep 方法的调用。在现实生活中,处理逻辑可能非常复杂,每个项目的处理时间可能不止 1 毫秒(例如:调用外部网络服务)。 @Bean publicItemProcessor<TransactionVO, TransactionVO>. multithreadedchProcesso...
-callows for execution of the for loop statement in single quotes. Theimagevariable is a counter for number of images in the directory. For each conversion operation, theecho commandinforms the user that a png image has been converted tojpgformat and vice-versa in the line$imageconverted to...
sqlEx = handleExceptionForBatch(commandIndex, argumentSetsInBatchSoFar, updateCounts, ex); } counter = processMultiCountsAndKeys((StatementImpl) batchStmt, counter, updateCounts); queryBuf = new StringBuilder(); argumentSetsInBatchSoFar = 0; } queryBuf.append(nextQuery); queryBuf.append...
Initializing bucket counter! *** Running training *** Num batches each epoch = 2 Num Epochs = 100 Batch Size Per Device = 98 Gradient Accumulation steps = 1 Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 98 Text Encoder...
:selectfile SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION << DELAYED EXPANSION on for counter in For loop SET /A MAXITEM=0 Echo. For %%F in (folder1/*.TXT) do ( SET /A MAXITEM+=1 SET MENUITEM!MAXITEM!=%%F << Fill n local env vars, one for each file, called MENUITEM1...n...
Table 3. Acidity concentration of the Al-IMt precursor calcined at different temperatures and their PCH counter parts deduced form desorption of cyclohexylamine probe molecule. With a concentration of 0.60 mmol of H+/g of clay, the acidity of the PAl-IMtCH material was two times higher than ...