mysql --user=username --password=password -t <<!! -- This is a comment inside an sql-command-stream. USE `columnname` SELECT * FROM `table_name`; quit !! command propmpt says : C:\>test.sql.bat << was unexpected at this time. AnjaneshNavigate...
Unexpected error Security azure_auth Microsoft Entra OAuth 2.0 auth code flow Type: oauth2 Flow: implicit Authorization URL: Scopes 展開資料表 NameDescription user_impersonation Impersonate your user account Authorization Type: apiKey In: head...
Unexpected error Security azure_auth Microsoft Entra OAuth 2.0 auth code flow Type: oauth2 Flow: implicit Authorization URL: Scopes 展开表 NameDescription user_impersonation Impersonate your user account Authorization Type: apiKey In: header ...
Search the file mybatch.log for the error message. Or, for Windows 2000 and later (download LOGBATCH.BAT first):LOGBATCH.BAT mybatch.bat any_optional_parametersSearch the file mybatch_Test.log for the error message. Check the previous line for any unexpected or invalid command, command ...
An TLS 1.0 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the client application are supported by the server. The SSL connection request has failed. An unexpected error occurred while compiling expressions. Native compiler return value: ...
Many user have this issue, there is a bug with the drop down menu in version, at the moment the only solution is roll back to version, look at this discussion
Warning: Working with a stored string containing ampersands and doublequotes may cause your batch file to fail or even to execute "unexpected" code (code insertion). Do not use SET /P in batch files running with elevated privileges!Windows NT 4 and later versions...
Caused by: org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: CAUGHT_EXCEPTION_WHILE_CONFIGURING_SSL_CLIENT_SOCKET: JSSL0120E: Indicates some kind of error detected by an SSL subsystem. Reason: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unexpected error: the...
“Transactional Readers”).ItemWriteris also simplified, since it gets the entire 'chunk' of items at once, rather than one at a time, it can decide to flush any resources (such as a file or hibernate session) before returning control to theStep. More detailed information on chunk-oriented...
BDB z Dynamic JCL Job Execution Oracle Tuxedo Application Runtime for Batch User Guide 3-1 Using Batch Runtime z Network Job Entry (NJE) Support z File Catalog Support z Launching REXX EXECs Configuration Files The Configuration files are implemented in the directory CONF of the RunTime Batch....