In a batch file, you can use the %~dp0 special variable to get the directory of the currently executing batch file. Here's how you can do it: @echo off echo The directory of this batch file is: %~dp0 When you run this batch file, it will display the directory where the batch ...
UploadResourceFileToContainerAsync设置用户帐户 :将每个文件作为 Blob 上传到输入容器。 上传文件后,它会获取该 Blob 的共享访问签名(SAS)并返回代表它的ResourceFile对象。 C# stringinputPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory,"InputFiles"); List<string> inputFilePaths =newList<string>(Directory.GetF...
public void write(Sheet sheet) { try { if (null == write) { return; } writeToStream(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("写文件异常 :" + file.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } private void writeToStream() { try { if (!hasWriteXmlHead && writeXmlHead) { write....
Alternatively, we can run a batch file or script by specifying its relative or absolute path in the PowerShell command. For example, to run a batch file located in the C:\Scripts directory, we can use either of the following commands: calling the absolute and relative path of the bat fil...
NodeInformation.ComputeNodeId); NodeFile stdOutFile =awaitnode.GetNodeFileAsync(subtask.ComputeNodeInformation.TaskRootDirectory +"\\"+ Constants.StandardOutFileName); NodeFile stdErrFile =awaitnode.GetNodeFileAsync(subtask.ComputeNodeInformation.TaskRootDirectory +"\\"+ Constants.StandardErrorFileName)...
OutputFile 在Batch 服务完成执行任务过程后,将文件从 Azure Batch 计算节点上传到另一个位置的规范。 OutputFileBlobContainerDestination 指定Azure Blob 存储容器中的文件上传目标。 OutputFileDestination 文件应上传到的目标。 OutputFileUploadCondition 任务输出文件或文件集应上载的条件。 OutputFileUploadOptions ...
echo You're now cd' in the '%cd%' directory. pause Also if you want to run a batch file from another drive such as Z: then this one will do that. cd /d %~d0 &rem Changes to the current directory echo You're now cd' in the '%cd%' directory. &rem This is now your ...
So, if you run the BAT file C:\FOO\BAR.BAT while you’re in the directory D:\SNAFU, “%~dp0” will give you “C:\FOO”, while “%CD%” will give you “D:\SNAFU”. %CD% returns the current directory; this may be fine to use for simple batch files, but the current directo...
This will automatically force a temporary drive mapping to the root of the share, and file copy operations should then work fine.If you don't do this, then cmd.exe squawks about not being able to run with a UNC path as its current directory. It _will_ still run anyway, but will ...
As PowerShell script (and without a 3rd party tool) you can run: #get the list of zip files from the current directory $dir = dir *.zip #go through each zip file in the directory variable foreach($item in $dir) { Expand-Archive -Path $item -DestinationPath ($item -replace '.zip...