A "tail -f" equivalent command in Powershell to show real time logging A call to SSPI failed A connection to the directory on which to process the request was unavailable. This is likely a transient condition. A fast way to remove duplicated lines from an unsorted text file? a lot of...
for wildcards and file matching. However, this article focuses mainly on Windows PowerShell and it’s ability to perform complex tasks such as batch file renaming. First off, change your directory to where the files are located by using the‘Set-Location -Path’command: Set-Location -Path C...
Microsoft has provided a command-line interface ever since the first release of DOS. It also provided a way to put multiple commands into a text file with a "bat" extension (a "batch" file) and have one command execute all of the commands in the file.Doug Hennig...
powershell -windowstyle hidden -Command "&{Start-Process powershell \"-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -NoExit -WindowStyle Hidden -Command\" copy \\"%6`\" `\"$Env:GRIDPRO/lc_mngr/gridpro.lic `\" `\" \" }" This is the command that is executed when the script file runs ...
echo.Fileis^< %maxbytesize% bytes )ELSE( echo.Fileis^>= %maxbytesize% bytes ) Equivalent of Unix find command on Windows https://superuser.com/questions/401495/equivalent-of-unix-find-command-on-windows Creating batch script to unzip a file without additional zip tools ...
https://superuser.com/questions/401495/equivalent-of-unix-find-command-on-windows 1. Creating batch script to unzip a file without additional zip tools https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21704041/creating-batch-script-to-unzip-a-file-without-additional-zip-tools/51159081 ...
You can use cmd to run scripts and automate tasks by using various scripting languages, such as batch files, PowerShell scripts, and VBScript. You can also use other tools, such as AutoIt and AutoHotkey, to create custom scripts and macros that can perform complex tasks and interact with oth...
@aditya, you can only run a batch file against remote machines if the command you are running supports running it remotely (e.g. DCDIAG). You might look at using PowerShell native commands or PowerShell remoting to accomplish your work. Anonymous October 15, 2013 What if...
Active Directory Powershell "internal error..." Active Directory Powershell command error for some users Active Directory Recycle Bin Empty the Recycle Bin Active Directory Script-Find if users exist Active Directory User - Export Attributes to CSV Active Directory User Information into an xml file ...