(blobClient, outputContainerName);// RESOURCE FILE SETUP// Add *.mp4 files into the \<solutiondir>\InputFiles folder.stringinputPath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory,"InputFiles"); List<string> inputFilePaths =newList<string>( Directory.G...
sas", "filePath": "myprogram.exe" }, { "storageContainerUrl": "http://mystorage1.blob.core.windows.net/data?sas", "filePath": "datafolder" } ], "environmentSettings": [ { "name": "myvariable", "value": "myvalue" } ], "constraints": { "maxWallClockTime": "PT1H", "max...
sas", "filePath": "myprogram.exe" }, { "storageContainerUrl": "http://mystorage1.blob.core.windows.net/data?sas", "filePath": "datafolder" } ], "environmentSettings": [ { "name": "myvariable", "value": "myvalue" } ], "constraints": { "maxWallClockTime": "PT1H", "max...
- task: ArchiveFiles@2 displayName: 'Archive applications' inputs: rootFolderOrFile: hpc-application includeRootFolder: false archiveFile: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/package/$(Build.BuildId).zip' # Publish the zip file, so you can use it as part # of your Release pipeline later. ...
"cmd /c echo %date% %time% @file @path @fdate ***&& del @file***"The del will not work unless the current working directory of the cmd process is the folder where the file is located. Try this from a command prompt to see the contents of the @ variables: forfiles /P "F:\...
Run Script as Batch Job from the Current Folder Browser From the Current Folder browser, you can run a MATLAB script as a batch job by browsing to the file's folder, right-clicking the file, and selectingRun Script as Batch Job. The batch job runs on the cluster identified by the defau...
When you place a separatecygwin-portable-installer-post-tasks.cmdfile next to thecygwin-portable-installer.cmdit will be executed automatically after the installation suceeded. You can use this file to perform additional configurations. To update installed Cygwin packages execute the generatedcygwin-porta...
With the Adobe Photoshop automation tools, you can easily process multiple files. You can perform a task, such as converting to a file format, all at once on an entire batch of files.
filenames ="B"+ string(1:3) +".dat"; job(3) = batch(c,@divideData,1,{},...'Pool',3,...'CurrentFolder',tempdir,...'AttachedFiles',filenames); Find Existing Job If you submit the job to a remove cluster, you can close MATLAB after job submission and retrieve the results la...
The script writes an .ini file at /build/media-autobuild_suite.ini, so you only need to make these choices the first time what you want to build. The script doesn't build any registry key or system variables, when you don't need it any more you can delete the folder and your syst...