Batch Determination Batch determination is a procedure to determine and identify the particular batch which has identical characteristics. It works as like the pricing
Batch Tracking over Several Manufacturing Levels SAP提供了这样简单的报表,事务代码:MB56
In Inventory Management (IM), you can use batch determination in goods movements when you are dealing with a goods issue posting (for instance, a consumption posting to a cost center), with a stock transfer or with a transfer posting. For further information, see section Batch Determination in...
SAP MM MIGO移动类型311试图做批次确定,系统报错-Stock Determination or batch determination not possible- SAP系统里的批次确定功能很有用。在很多场景流程中,都可以启用这个功能,让SAP系统自动按照实现规定好的规则去建议出库的批次。比如在销售出库场景,在发货到生产线场景,在转库发货场景,在成本中心发货场景等等...
,试图让系统自动建议出货批次,系统报错:Stock Determination /batch determination not possible。 如下图示: 2,为了解决这个报错,需要在后台为库存管理以及移动类型指派批次确定策略。 2.1) 维护库存管理的批次确定策略。 ME0001是SAP标准系统里inventory management的批次确定策略。看其控制数据, ...
,试图让系统自动建议出货批次,系统报错:Stock Determination /batch determination not possible。如下图示: 2,为了解决这个报错,需要在后台为库存管理以及移动类型指派批次确定策略。 2.1) 维护库存管理的批次确定策略。 ME0001是SAP标准系统里inventory management的批次确定策略。看其控制数据, ...
SAP MM MIGO移动类型311试图做批次确定,系统报错-Stock Determination or batch determination not possible- SAP系统里的批次确定功能很有用。在很多场景流程中,都可以启用这个功能,让SAP系统自动按照实现规定好的规则去建议出库的批次。比如在销售出库场景,在发货到生产线场景,在转库发货场景,在成本中心发货场景等等。
98 SAP Managed Tags: MAN Batch Management, SD (Sales and Distribution) Hi, Can anybody tell me what are the steps in Batch Determination.Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comment Comments (0) Accepted...
Batch Determination in SAP MM 028065 Batch determination process plays a crucial role in various business areas, by utilizing different strategy types, search strategies, and procedures, this process helps in efficiently identifying specific batches of materials that share identical characteristics. The str...
【MM配置】Batch Determination 批次决定 查看原文 SAP-MM知识精解-批次管理(06-01)-批次确定的概览及主要逻辑 :1.启用批次管理,并给移动类型分配批次的查找程序; 后台路径:SPRO→后勤-常规→批次管理→批次确定和批次检查→批次查找程序分配和检查激活→分配IM查找过程/激活检查在这个配置中,我们能看到,我们可以给...