// Usage: wscript DeleteOlderThan.js [#Days] // By default, remove files older than 30 days /// function removeDays(date, nDays) { var dateRet = date return dateRet.setDate(date.getDate() - nDays); } function addSlash(strPath) { var c = strPath.substr(-1, 1); if( c !==...
8Jeff Atwood在Serverfault上回答了这个问题,我认为应该在这里记录一下。http://serverfault.com/questions/49614/delete-files-older-than-x-days- Dusty 这里发布了一种基于 .BAT 文件的新方法,仅使用内部 CMD.EXE 命令:https://dev59.com/PmHVa4cB1Zd3GeqPoqSp#9747065- Aacini ...
Delete downloaded files from roaming profiles older than 30 days Delete empty folders Delete everything within a specific directory Delete files older than 24 hours Delete files older than and create a log of which files were deleted Delete files on remote server Delete files/folders on remote ...
After the batch-cmd edit command is run successfully to edit the commands to be executed in a batch, the system deletes the original commands to be run in a batch. The commands that are already edited are saved in memory and are deleted forever when the system is restarted. After all co...
Set this parameter to a device ID list, which can include up to 30,000 device IDs. This parameter is supported when task_type is set to firmwareUpgrade, softwareUpgrade, deleteDevices, freezeDevices, unfreezeDevices, createCommands, createAsyncCommands, updateDeviceShadows, or createMessages. If ...
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1. Select the range where you need to batch delete all option buttons, and apply this utility by clicking theKutools>Delete>Batch Delete Option Buttons. Then you will see all option buttons in the selected range are removed. Notes:
If the public folder is larger than 30 GB, and if it isn't feasible to delete content or split it into multiple public folders, we recommend that you don't move your public folders to Exchange Online. Folder to size map path equals the file path of the .csv file that you crea...
Clearance that is in Rejected status and the effective date is older than the REJECT_HOLD_DAYS_PC_CLEAR in the rpm_system_options table.is in an Approved or Executed status. Delete data from RPM_*TASK tables based on the entered purge days and the status indicator. The purge days is take...
2. Delete Files Older Than a Certain Time Using a Batch File You can use a batch file to scan for and then delete files older than a certain amount of days. You set the maximum age range for the files in the batch file, allowing you to customize the process. Furthermore, you can ...