steps { bat ''' echo %MY_VAR% ''' } } } } 在上述示例中,首先在Set Environment Variable阶段使用bat命令设置了一个名为MY_VAR的环境变量,并将其值设置为value。然后,在Use Environment Variable阶段使用bat命令打印出该环境变量的值。 请注意,上述示例中使用的是Jenkins的Pipeline语法,可以根据实际情况进行...
set "already_added=0" for /f "tokens=2,*" %%a in ('reg query HKCU\Environment /v PATH ^| find /i "PATH"') do ( set "user_path_var=%%b" ) if "%user_path_var:~-1%"==";" set "user_path_var=%user_path_var:~0,-1%" echo User PATH variable: %user_path_var% for %%i...
2 配置:CLASSPATHwmic ENVIRONMENT create name="CLASSPATH",username="<system>",VariableValue=".;%%JAVA_HOME%%\lib\tools.jar;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\dt.jar;"3 配置:PATHwmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='PATH' and username='<system>'" set VariableValue="%path%;%%JAVA_HOME%%"4 ...
wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='path' and username='<system>'" set VariableValue="%curPath%tool\dig;%path%" taskkill /im explorer.exe /f @echo === @echo 下面开始重启“explorer.exe”进程 pause start explorer.exe 2.变量是否包含另一个变量判断 set mypath=%path% set curPath=%cd% set dig...
- SET /M OSVariable abc (设置系统环境变量 记录在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) 主要参考(注意的是win vista及其纸上的windows版本都默认有setx工具,xp及其以下的windows系统是没有的) 2.参考 @echo off :: 设置第三方库环境变量THIRD_PARTY wmic ENVIRONMENT create name="THIRD_PARTY",username="<system>",VariableVa...
('reg query HKCU\Environment /v PATH ^| find /i "PATH"')do(set"user_path_var=%%b")if"%user_path_var:~-1%"==";"set"user_path_var=%user_path_var:~0,-1%"echo UserPATHvariable:%user_path_var%for%%iin("%user_path_var:;=""%")do(if/i"%%~i"=="%new_path%"(set"already...
wmic ENVIRONMENT where "name='path' and username='<system>'" set VariableValue="%path%;D:\wonders\bea\tuxedo11gR1\bin" pause 成功添加至系统变量,如下图: 再次运行时会陆续在path值后添加相同路径,所以需要加判断: echo %path%|findstr /i "D:\wonders\bea\tuxedo11gR1\bin"&&(goto continue) wmi...
Based on your question, I tried to reproduce it, but unfortunately, after running it, when I checked, the environment variable has been correctly set to x64. Please refer to the picture below: If I missed anything in my reproduction steps, please let me know in time, thank you. ...
callsetxx=%Path%;%add_path% wmic ENVIRONMENTwhere"name='Path' and username='<system>'"setVariableValue="%xx%"pause REM TIMEOUT /T 10 REM 方法1 :search1for/f"tokens=1* delims=;"%%ain("%MYPATHCOPY%")do(if"%toAdd%"=="%%a"( ...
The Set Environment Variable tool (Setenv.bat) is a batch file containing optional environment variable settings for the Windows Embedded Compact build window environment. Note Wince.bat calls this tool. Do not call this tool directly. The following documentation is provided for completeness and info...