下面是一个简单的Java代码示例: importjava.io.File;publicclassDeleteFileExample{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){StringfilePath="C:\\test\\example.bat";Filefile=newFile(filePath);if(file.exists()){file.delete();System.out.println("File deleted successfully.");}else{System.out.println("File ...
File file = new File(dir,"Test.java"); if(file.exists()) file.delete(); file.createNewFile(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(file); pw.println("public class Test"); pw.println("{"); pw.println("public static void main(String[] args)"); pw.println("{"); pw.println("System....
File temDir = new File("/"); String filePath = "setDateTime.bat"; File batFile = new File(temDir.getPath() + "/setDateTime.bat" + filePath); if (!temDir.exists()) { temDir.mkdir(); batFile.createNewFile(); } FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(filePath); BufferedWriter bw = new...
String batUrl= zipUrl + File.separator + "安装包" + File.separator + "setup.txt"; File file=newFile(batUrl);if(!file.exists()) { File parentFile=file.getParentFile();if(!parentFile.exists()) { parentFile.mkdirs(); }//不存在创建文件和其父目录FileUtils.createFile(batUrl); } setUp...
function download( url,file){ if (force && existsItem(file)){ if(!deleteItem(file)){ WScript.Echo("Unable to delete "+ file); WScript.Quit(8); } }else if (existsItem(file)){ WScript.Echo("Item " + file + " already exist");...
if exist FileName ( echo File exists ) else ( echo File does not exist ) 该命令使用“if”命令来检查文件是否存在,并根据结果执行相应的操作。这个例子中,如果FileName存在,则显示“Fileexists”,否则显示“File does not exist”。 9.重定向输出 echo off command > output.txt 该命令使用重定向符号“>...
if defined PYTHONPATH ( set PathDelimiter=; )set PYTHONPATH=%AndBug%\lib%PathDelimiter%%PYTHONPATH%D:chdir %AndBug%C:\Python27\python.exe andbug 获取目录举例 IIS7网站监控可以及时防控网站风险,快速准确监控网站是否遭到各种劫持攻击,网站在全国是否能正常打开(查看域名是否被墙),精准的DNS污染检测,具备...
第一种用法:IF ERRORLEVEL number command 第二种用法:IF string1==string2 command 第三种用法:IF EXIST filename command 第四种用法:IF增强的用法 第七章 DOS编程高级技巧 一、界面设计 二、if…else…条件语句 三、循环语句 四、子程序 五、用ftp命令实现自动下载 ...
(1) IF EXIST was used to test whether a file exists, the format for the IF [EXIST] command path + file name (2) in the test2.bat file%1 is allowed to transfer DOS parameters, 9 parameters to batch batch file, respectively (%1~%9%0 test2, said the command itself) this is a ...
if (!oTemp.exists) { var MyPath = new Folder (oTemp); var lFehler = MyPath.create(); } oTemp = oTemp + "\\" +"nw.bat"; var MyFile = new File (oTemp); MyFile.open ('w'); if (MyFile.error > "") { alert("ERROR"); } MyFile.writeln(MyDosCommand); ...