蝙蝠优化算法是一种启发式优化算法,由Xin-She Yang于2010年提出。该算法的灵感来源于蝙蝠在狭窄空间中的导航行为。 蝙蝠优化算法的基本思路是模拟蝙蝠的搜索行为。在搜索过程中,每只蝙蝠以当前最优解为目标,沿…
一、蝙蝠算法BA 参考文献: [1] Xin-She Y . A new metaheuristic bat-inspired algorithm, nature inspired cooperative strategies for optimization (NISCO 2010). 2010. 二、无人机模型 无人机三维航迹规划_无人机航迹规划_IT猿手的博客-CSDN博客 参考文献: [1]吕石磊,范仁杰,李震,陈嘉鸿,谢家兴.基于改进蝙蝠...
提升算法-boosting algorithm WIKI Boosting is a machine learning ensemble meta-algorithm for primarily reducing bias, and also variance[1] in supervised learning, and a family of machine learning algorithms that convert weak lear... IDEA运行导入的javaweb项目tomcat正常,但是运行失败404 ...
Modified Bat AlgorithmBio-inspired AlgorithmSwarm intelligenceControl processBat Algorithm (BA) is a nature-inspired metaheuristic search algorithm designed to efficiently explore complex problem spaces and find near-optimal solutions. The algorithm is inspired by the echolocation behavior of bats, which ...
Bat algorithm (BA) is one of the recently proposed heuristic algorithms imitating the echolocation behavior of bats to perform global optimization. The superior performance of this algorithm has been proven among the other most well-known algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm ...
Bat algorithm (BA) is one of the recently proposed heuristic algorithms imitating the echolocation behavior of bats to perform global optimization. The superior performance of this algorithm has been proven among the other most well-known algorithms such as genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm ...
This article presents an analysis of the bat algorithm (BA) based on elementary mathematical analysis and statistical comparisons of the first hitting time performance metric distributions obtained on a test set comprising five carefully selected objective functions. The findings show that the BA is ...
The bat algorithm (BA) is a bio-inspired algorithm developed by Xin-She Yang in 2010. BA has been found to be very efficient. As a result, the literature has expanded significantly since then. This chapter provides a detailed introduction to BA and its new variants. A wide range of ...
The basic bat algorithm(BA) in the past research studies reveal deficiencies as apt to be premature and low precision of convergence.This paper first analyzed the optimization mechanism and deficiency of bat algorithm(BA),and then considering the Lévy flight behaviors of bats can simulate predatory...
A multi-modal variant of bat algorithm (BA) with improved search capabilities for global optimization is proposed. • This multi-modal characteristic is derived by incorporating the foraging behaviour of bats. • Additional parameter has been introduced to refine the search capabilities. • Compar...