The meaning of BASSINET is a baby's basketlike bed (as of wickerwork or plastic) often with a hood over one end.
The meaning of BASSINET is a baby's basketlike bed (as of wickerwork or plastic) often with a hood over one end.
bassinet的趨勢 廣告僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of bassinet 廣告 bassinet附近的字典條目 basmati Basque bas-relief bass basset bassinet bassist basso bassoon bast bastard 連結論壇完整來源列表連結產品iOS 應用程式Android 應用程式Chrome 擴充功能關於誰做的介紹和...
“wicker cradle,” 1854年,源自法语 bassinet “小盆”,是 bassin 的小型化(见 basin),或者根据 Klein 的说法,英语单词源自法语 bercelonette,是 berceau “摇篮”的双重小型化,经过 bassin “盆”改变。中古英语有 bacinet “半球形头盔”(约1300年)。
attention to connections and if the flights you’ve chosen are being operating as a code share, meaning partner airlines are booking seats on other airlines’ aircraft. Doing all of this will add to the time you spend on the phone. But, it’s worth it to have your ducks in a row pre...
meaning it has been expertly tested by third-party, accredited laboratories to meet or exceed all of the applicable category voluntary and mandatory safety standards. designed to adapt to your growing baby, the benton is equipped with an adjustable mattress support base with 4 different height ...
But that’s not all. Remember how we mentioned that weight is a good measure of when a baby should be moved into a crib? Well, it isn’t just for the basket’s sake! Most commercially available bassinets can only carry 15 to 20 pounds, meaning that having a baby older than 6 months...