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巴萨诺-德尔格拉帕(Bassano del Grappa)位于意大利威尼托大区,是有名的白兰地Grappa的产地。小镇上有座文艺复兴建筑大师Palladio设计的古桥,吸引着无数的游客。
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Bassano+del+Grappa 中文意思:[地名] [意大利] 巴萨诺-德尔格拉帕 例句 Città di Bassano del Grappa Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza), Italy Ponte degli Alpini and Upper Castle.加拿大àdi Bassano del Grappa巴桑诺德尔格拉帕(维琴察),意大利十六浦的雷尼和上的城堡。
Ubicación: Bassano del Grappa, Provincia de Vicenza, Véneto, Italia nororiental, Italia, Europa Ver en OpenStreetMapLatitud45,78862° o 45° 47' 19" norte Longitud11,69406° o 11° 41' 39" este Población507 Altitud265 metros (869 pies) Open location code8FQHQMQV+CJ OpenStr...
Bilde med Bassano del grappa, Fjell, Bro. Gratis å bruke. Kommentarer Samfunnet vil gjerne høre fra deg! Logg på eller registrer deg på Pixabay for å vise kommentarer Bassano Del GrappaFjellBroAlpintGammelVicenza Relaterte gratisbilder ...
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BASSANO DEL GRAPPA, Italy — When patients with age-related macular degeneration do not respond to anti-VEGF therapy, even after switching to a second drug, they should be promptly referred to a vitreoretinal surgeon to evaluate potential surgical option...
Bassano del GrappaBassano del Grappa from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. Read Bassano del Grappa from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. now at Questia.The Columbia Encyclopediath ed