I have tried other guitar shops (the usual suspects) and bout guitars from most. In my experience, PMT have the best customer service. If they say they will do a thing, they will move heaven and earth to get it done. A very rare commodity theses days! Overall, I couldn't be ...
Anglers who enter data for any Lunker they catch (greater than eight pounds or 24 inches) during the calendar year 2023 also receive a catch kit, a decal for their vehicle or boat and an entry into the year-end Grand Prize drawing to win a $5,000 Bass Pro Shops shopping spree and an...
About a week after I talked to you I took a train from Philly to New York and literally tried out just about every headphone I could think of at 5 different shops (Regardless of price XD) In the end I settled on the AKG K271MKII over the HF5 as I found the two to be very ...
To qualify for Heavy Hitters, the weight of an angler’s single largest bass from each of the first five Stages of the Bass Pro Tour will be recorded. For example, if an angler’s heaviest fish in Stage One is 7 pounds; in Stage Two, 5 pounds; in Stage Three, 9 pounds; in St...