Minimalism 省略(简约)主义 minor 小调 minor triad 小三和弦 minor 小(音程) minor 小调 minuet 小步舞曲 mode 调式(狭指教会调式;广指调式) moderato 中板 (96拍/分钟) modulation 转调 monophonic music 单声部音乐 mordent 波音(upper mordent) motive 动机 movement 乐章 movement 乐章 multi-meter 变化拍子 m...
小调五声音阶(minor pentatonic) 正如其名,它由5个音组成。小调五声音阶在硬摇滚与早期重金属中十分常见,同时在现代金属乐中经常用于solo或者填充强力和弦。 例子1-6 布鲁斯音阶(blues scale) 布鲁斯音阶是加入一个三全音(tritone)(减五度di-minished 5th/增四度augmented 4th)的小调五声音阶。像匈牙利小调(hungari...
20 【吉他大师课】吉他老师教你如何学习和练习吉他丨How to Practice Like Oz Noy Guitar Masterclass 11:03 【经典吉他弹唱教学】Amy Winehouse - Stronger Than Me 现场版吉他翻弹翻唱 27:09 【手把手教你SRVsolo技巧】Stevie Ray Vaughan mixed Major Minor Pentatonic Chord Tones 23:32 像SRV一样弹吉他丨 ...
The Minor Scale The Minor Pentatonic Scale The Blues Scale Patterns and Licks Using the Minor Pentatonic and Blues Scales PART 3: VARIATIONS CHAPTER 11: MORE RHYTHMIC VARIATIONS Cut Time Checking If My Train's on Time Syncopation Billygoat Rock ...
189、minor 小调 190、minuet 小步舞曲 191、modal 调 192、mode 调式(狭指教会调式;广指调式) 193、moderato 中板 194、 modulation 转调 195、monophonic 单声道的;单声部的 196、monotone 单调;单音调 197、motif 动机(作曲家作曲时最初浮现的旋律,一般很短小,几个音,一两拍的模样) ...
16. Blues Scale 2 17. Brown-eye Rabbit Scale 21. Diminished Blues 22. Dominant 7th Scale 23. Dominant Bebop 29. Dorian 33. Dorian Hexatonic 34. Dorian Pentatonic 35. Dorico Flamenco 38. Double Harmonic Minor 40. Down in the Valley Scale ...
17. Brown-eye Rabbit Scale 21. Diminished Blues 22. Dominant 7th Scale 23. Dominant Bebop 29. Dorian 33. Dorian Hexatonic 34. Dorian Pentatonic 35. Dorico Flamenco 38. Double Harmonic Minor 40. Down in the Valley Scale 41. Enigmatic Mode 1 ...
Lecture 29 Minor Pentatonic Scales Lecture 30 Blues Scales Lecture 31 Applying Scales Lecture 32 Major Arpeggios Lecture 33 Minor Arpeggios Lecture 34 Dominant 7th Arpeggios Lecture 35 Rocking Arpeggios Play-along Lecture 36 Left hand technique Male or female aspiring learner from age 19 to age 45 ...
Common scales, like the major, minor, pentatonic, and blues scales are often used in bass lines across various genres. Learning and practicing bass scales may be challenging, but it pays off by giving you greater control over the fretboard, making it easier to improvise and create your own ...
Minor Pentatonic Groove Extended Arpeggio Exercise Major 3rds & 6ths Exercise Two Octave Major Scale Major Inversions Lesson Whole Tone Scale Lesson E Groove & Riff Breakdown Diatonic Intervals Lesson Minor Inversions Lesson Right Hand Technique & Groove Killer Triplet Exercise Shuffle ...