After working this exercises you will be able to see a note on the staff and locate it´s position on the fretboard and you will be able to see an specific fret and string and know which is the corresponding note on the staff. ...
R.H. BEADGBE tuning 7 string Rock Guitar Notes Chords and Scales Printable Fingerboards Fretboards Charts Diagrams or R.H. AEADGBE tuning 7 string Jazz Guitar Notes Chords and Scales Printable Fingerboards Fretboards Charts Diagrams or R.H. DADGAD tuning Guitar Notes Chords and Scales Printable...
Focus on sections of the song to master those bass lines, patterns and scales. Adjust the speed and volume for playing along. Highlight notes on/off to play by ear. Adjust the width or height of the fretboard to suit your playing style or device. Go smaller to see the whole fretboard ...
BASS GUITAR NOTES SECTION on which you can click any string and fret on the virtual bass guitar fretboard to see the corresponding note on the staff, its name and its pitch. This section includes exercises on which notes appear on the staff and you have to click on the string and the fr...